Choose the correct form---

ক) He fell down while he was walking
খ) He fell down while he walked
গ) He fell down while he was walked
ঘ) He fell down while he walking

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ক) Fever caused him to death
খ) His death was caused with fever
গ) Fever caused him to die
ঘ) He was caused to die of fever
ক) humourous
খ) Humourious
গ) Humorous
ঘ) Humorious
ক) I wonder at this
খ) I am wondered at this
গ) I wondered at this
ঘ) I was wondered at this
ক) Embarrasment
খ) Embarrassment
গ) Embarasment
ঘ) Embarassment
ক) ব্রিটেন
খ) পর্তুগাল
গ) হল্যান্ড
ঘ) নেদারল্যান্ড
ক) খাগড়াছড়ি
খ) বান্দরবান
গ) রাঙ্গামাটি
ঘ) কুমিল্লা

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