"Now-a-days many villages are lit ----- electricity." বাক্যের শূন্যস্থানে সঠিক শব্দ বসবে-

ক) with
খ) by
গ) from
ঘ) on

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ক) He asked her that she is weeping
খ) He asked her if she was weeping
গ) He asked her that he is weeping
ঘ) None of these
ক) Arif said to us, "I waited an hour."
খ) Arif said to us, "I have been waiting an hour."
গ) Arif said to us, I had to wait an hour.
ঘ) Arif told to us, "I had wait an hour."
ক) Pure milk and water
খ) Dirty milk and water
গ) Lifeless, dull
ঘ) Colorless things
ক) To humilliate
খ) To annoy someone
গ) To act in a friendly way
ঘ) To stop talking and start
ক) Conspicious
খ) Concealed
গ) Evident
ঘ) Visible

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