Find the correctly spelt word

ক) Aproched
খ) Aproached
গ) Appraoched
ঘ) Approached

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ক) To find out one's roots
খ) To return to place of rest
গ) Back to original position
ঘ) To emphasize on residence
ক) To take up agricultural farming
খ) To take a difficult task
গ) To get entangled into unnecessary things
ঘ) To take interest in technical work
ক) Greater share
খ) All of a sudden
গ) Completion of work
ঘ) Everyone without distinction
ক) To start quarreling
খ) To end the hostility
গ) To start a conversation
ঘ) To end up partnership
ক) A poor statement
খ) To describe things without care
গ) Beyond one's power to describe adequately
ঘ) None of these
ক) Concert : Symphony
খ) Accompaniment : Melody
গ) Audition : Chorus
ঘ) Improvisation : Solo

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