I would have worked if I__been more cautious.

ক) had
খ) have
গ) might
ঘ) would

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ক) keats
খ) Shelly
গ) Coleridge
ঘ) Wordsworth
ক) hand shake
খ) very intimate
গ) enmity
ঘ) cold weather
ক) tasty nuts
খ) hard object
গ) strong
ঘ) difficult problem
ক) I have many works to do.
খ) I have many work to do.
গ) I have a lot of work to do.
ঘ) I have great deal works to do.
ক) The important benifit that we get from trees is oxygen.
খ) The benifit that we get from trees is oxygen.
গ) The important benifits that we get from trees is oxygen.
ঘ) The most important benefit that we get from trees is oxygen.

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