He gave--/she gave--

ক) to the class a tough assignment
খ) the class a tough assignment
গ) a tough assignment forthe class
ঘ) an assignment very tough to the class

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ক) intransitive verb
খ) simple verb
গ) auxiliary verb
ঘ) transitive verb
ক) The man was tall who stole my bag
খ) The man stole my bag who was tall
গ) The man who stole my bag was tall
ঘ) The man was stealing my bag who was tall
ক) Demonstrative pronoun
খ) Relative pronoun
গ) Reflexive Pronoun
ঘ) Indefinite pronoun
ক) than those of Dhaka
খ) than Dhaka
গ) than that of Dhaka
ঘ) than Dhaka's roads
ক) Each
খ) Who
গ) Myself
ঘ) He
ক) Let Ruma and I go.
খ) Let Ruma and mine go.
গ) Let Ruma and me go.
ঘ) Let Ruma and myself go

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