A car parking charges n take for the first hour, and m paisa for every additional hour. What amount it will charge if a car stayed for 5 hours?

ক) n + 5m
খ) m + 5n
গ) m + 4n
ঘ) n + 4m

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ক) Memory
খ) Programme
গ) Chip
ঘ) Output device
ক) Bit
খ) Character
গ) Bytes
ঘ) Kilobyte
ক) Payment system
খ) Governance system
গ) Righ-based group
ঘ) An anti-virus software
ক) Ctrl + s
খ) Alt + s
গ) Ctrl + F1
ঘ) Ctrl + F2
ক) সিয়াটল
খ) ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া
গ) ওয়াশিংটন
ঘ) নিউইয়র্ক
ক) Microsoft Work
খ) Microsoft Power Point
গ) Microsoft Excel
ঘ) Microsoft Access

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