She did not buy it ---- the price was so high.

ক) although
খ) despite
গ) because
ঘ) because of

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ক) so that
খ) so
গ) that
ঘ) as
ক) because of
খ) because
গ) in spite fo
ঘ) despite
ক) while
খ) so
গ) but
ঘ) as
Note : বিপরীত ধারণা বোঝাতে পক্ষান্তরে/ অন্যদিকে অর্থে while ব্যবহৃত হয় । যেমন:Karim is tall, while Rahim is taller.
ক) Despite
খ) In spite
গ) Under
ঘ) Avoiding
ক) before we got down
খ) than we got down
গ) as we got down
ঘ) when we got down
ক) then
খ) while
গ) than
ঘ) when

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