বায়ুতে জলীয়বাষ্পের পরিমাণ বেড়ে গেলে বায়ুচাপ--

ক) কমে যায়
খ) বেড়ে যায়
গ) স্থির থাকে
ঘ) শূন্য হয়

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ক) Secular
খ) Evil
গ) Profane
ঘ) Divine
ক) Punishment
খ) Pardon
গ) Reward
ঘ) Compensation
ক) bid said to me that he was ill.
খ) Abid told me that he had been ill.
গ) Abid told me that I had been ill.
ঘ) Abid told me that he has been ill.
ক) Asad said to me that he wanted to go to school now.
খ) Asad said to me that he wanted to go to school then.
গ) Asad said to me that he wanted to go to school then.
ঘ) Asad said to me that he wanted to go to school then.
ক) Let not the poor be hated.
খ) Let the poor not be hated.
গ) Let not the poor hate.
ঘ) Let poor not be hate.
ক) Let the order to give.
খ) Let the order given.
গ) Let the order be given.
ঘ) Let the order give.

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