A part of speech of the underlined word is-

ক) noun
খ) preposition
গ) adverb
ঘ) adjective

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ক) noun
খ) preposition
গ) adverb
ঘ) adjective
ক) a preposition
খ) an interjection
গ) an adverb
ঘ) an adjective
ক) Draw near and listen.
খ) My school was near the mosque
গ) She is a near relation.
ঘ) Death nears wish the passage of time
ক) Adjective
খ) preposition
গ) Adverb
ঘ) Conjunction
ক) Preposition
খ) Conjunction
গ) Adverb
ঘ) Noun
ক) The heavens are above
খ) The moral law is above the civil law
গ) Analyze the above sentences
ঘ) Our blessings come from above

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