আমি বইটি পড়িতে থাকিব। বাক্যটির ইংরেজি হবে?

ক) I shall reading the book
খ) I can be reading the book
গ) I shall be reading the book
ঘ) I should reading the book

Related Questions

ক) past and present
খ) Present perfect
গ) Past perfect
ঘ) Past perfect continuous
ক) Present continuous tense
খ) Past perfect tense
গ) Past continuous tense
ঘ) Past indefinite tense
ক) Raihan was sleeping
খ) It was raining
গ) It has been raining
ঘ) Shohail had car
ক) Present indefinite tense
খ) Present perfect continuous tense
গ) Present continuous tense
ঘ) Present perfect tense
ক) I have done the sum
খ) I was doing the sum
গ) The sum was done by me
ঘ) I did the sum
ক) I am reading
খ) I have read
গ) I read
ঘ) I have been reading

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