The soldier died in harness' means-

ক) He died in business
খ) He died in peace
গ) He died in honour
ঘ) He died in dishonor

Related Questions

ক) A horse which is dark in colour
খ) A horse ehich was seen in darkness
গ) A person whose qualities are unknown
ঘ) A horse which has been kept in darkness
ক) Poor health
খ) Bad health
গ) Good health
ঘ) Ill- health
ক) To publish
খ) In danger
গ) Valid
ঘ) Lighting
ক) Isn’t it day time?
খ) Let's stop work now
গ) Let's presume it to be day
ঘ) Let's compare it with a day
ক) Cat's paw
খ) Cold water
গ) Fresh blood
ঘ) Kith and kin
ক) Tears of a crocodile
খ) Deceptive cry
গ) Tears of any animals
ঘ) Tears of an unlucky person

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