Choose the correct sentence.

ক) This is fact .
খ) This is a true fact.
গ) This is a fact .
ঘ) This are a fact t.

Related Questions

ক) once again
খ) again
গ) against
ঘ) no word or phrase needed
ক) Repeat it again
খ) Repeat it
গ) Repeats it again
ঘ) Repeat it against
ক) What do you prefer?
খ) What do you prefer most?
গ) What do you prefer more?
ঘ) What do you prefer best?
ক) Go to featch some water.
খ) Go and fetch some water for me.
গ) Fetch and bring some water for me.
ঘ) Fetch some water for me.
ক) He asked had we taken our food
খ) He asked if we had taken our food
গ) He asked if we took our food
ঘ) He asked if we taken our food
ক) We shall discuss about the matter.
খ) He has resigned his post.
গ) He at last came to a final conclusion.
ঘ) This is a true fact.

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