Everybody hates a lair. Make it negative.

ক) Nobody likes a lair
খ) Who likes a liar?
গ) Everybody dislikes a lair
ঘ) None of the above

Related Questions

ক) You will move to die
খ) In case of your failure to move, you will die
গ) If you do not move, you will die
ঘ) You have to move to die
ক) When I was there, it was autumn.
খ) I was there when it was autumn.
গ) In the autumn season I was there.
ঘ) I was there, because it was autumn
ক) indifference
খ) desire
গ) aimlessness
ঘ) purpose
ক) Affection
খ) Suffering
গ) Conflict
ঘ) Encouraging
ক) Timid
খ) Angry
গ) Clam
ঘ) Obey
ক) Severance
খ) Power
গ) Entourage
ঘ) Mechanical

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