Shaheen would never have taken the job if--- what great demand it would make on his time.

ক) he knew
খ) he had been knowing
গ) he had known
ঘ) he was knowing

Related Questions

ক) The bridge is broken
খ) The bridge would break
গ) The bridge had broken
ঘ) The bridge had been broken
ক) would come
খ) would have come
গ) may have come
ঘ) may come
ক) was
খ) were
গ) had been
ঘ) have been
ক) pays
খ) is paying
গ) paid
ঘ) has paid
ক) visits
খ) will have visited
গ) visited
ঘ) visit
ক) moved round
খ) moves round
গ) had moved round
ঘ) would move round

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