I decided to stay at home last night. I would have gone out if I --- so tried.

ক) wasn't
খ) weren't
গ) hadn't been
ঘ) wouldn't have been

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ক) has known
খ) will know
গ) would know
ঘ) know
ক) fell, would
খ) fall, would
গ) fallen, would
ঘ) falling, would
ক) I flew in the sky
খ) I could fly in the sky
গ) I fly in the sky
ঘ) I would have flown in the sky
ক) didn't fall
খ) hadn't fallen
গ) wouldn't fall
ঘ) wouldn't have fallen
ক) had helped the poor.
খ) would have helped the poor.
গ) have helped the poor.
ঘ) helped the poor.
ক) might not have
খ) would not be
গ) might not have been
ঘ) might not

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