Which of the following is correct?

ক) He neither speaks Engligh nor French
খ) He speaks nor English or French
গ) He speaks neither English nor French
ঘ) Neither he speaks English nor French

Related Questions

ক) driving car
খ) when one drives a car
গ) the driving of a car
ঘ) when we drive a car
ক) He chose well and prospered.
খ) He choose well and prospered.
গ) He choiced well and prospered.
ঘ) He chosen well and prospered.
ক) I like to swim, Playing tennis, and ride
খ) I like swimming, play tennis, and ride
গ) I like swimming, play tennis and riding
ঘ) I like to swim, play tennis and ride.
ক) It is better to be safe than sorry
খ) It is more better to be safe than sorry
গ) It is better to be safe than more sorry
ঘ) It is better to be safer than sorry
ক) doing
খ) did
গ) have done
ঘ) do
ক) sits, took
খ) sat. take
গ) sat, took
ঘ) sat, had taken

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