six of, one and half a dozen of another"?

ক) Twelve pieces
খ) Negligible difference
গ) Thoroughly
ঘ) Countless

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ক) a sleeping snake
খ) a dead snake
গ) a hidden enemy
ঘ) a harmless person
ক) silent money
খ) money given as bribe
গ) quiet money
ঘ) borrowed money
ক) To detect bad smell
খ) To misunderstand
গ) To suspect a trick or deceit
ঘ) To see hidden meaning
ক) Sorrows of life
খ) Saline water
গ) Sodium chloride
ঘ) Valuable things
ক) Show indifference
খ) Show happines
গ) Show surprise
ঘ) Show agreement
ক) stand up
খ) stand without help
গ) insult someone
ঘ) take a firm stand

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