Do not trust a man who 'blows his own trumpet'. What does the underlined idiom mean ?

ক) Flatters
খ) Praises others
গ) Admonishes others
ঘ) Praises himself

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ক) put up with
খ) keep up with
গ) feel at home
ঘ) get along with
ক) calculate
খ) make up
গ) explanation
ঘ) justify against
ক) in writing
খ) temporary
গ) false
ঘ) verbally
ক) Mr. khan is a dark horse in politics
খ) Mr. Khan bought a dark horse for the occasion
গ) The dark horse looked ery attractive
ঘ) Mr. Khan delivered a dark horse speech in the meeting
ক) a serious assignment
খ) very simple work
গ) the job of a laborer
ঘ) the hard and boring part of a job

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