He escaped by-

ক) the hair's breadth
খ) the bradth of a hair
গ) a hair breadth
ঘ) a bedth of a hair

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ক) Lethargic
খ) Prone to anger
গ) Prone to tear
ঘ) Energetic
ক) house
খ) bee
গ) monkey
ঘ) bull
ক) to finish
খ) to come nothing
গ) tit for tat
ঘ) difficult problem
ক) If you do not obey me, you will be punished.
খ) Obey me or you will not be punished.
গ) Obey me or you will be punished.
ঘ) Obey me and you will be punished I know the time of hi arrival
ক) Please lend me your handouts.
খ) I want to borrow your handouts.
গ) You have the handouts and I want that
ঘ) Pleas lend me the handouts that I want.
ক) Saying this the man went away
খ) Having say this, the man went away
গ) The man went away after he had said this
ঘ) None of the above

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