Not until a monkey is several years old, ___ to exhibit signs of independence from its mother.

ক) It begins
খ) does it begin
গ) and begin
ঘ) beginning

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ক) he can begin to understand
খ) can be begin to understand
গ) he begins to understand
ঘ) begins to understand
ক) that it should be stored for later consumption
খ) should be stored for later consumption
গ) should it be stored for later consumption
ঘ) it should be stored for later consumption
ক) she could
খ) could she
গ) had she
ঘ) she had
ক) spotted frogs
খ) spotted frogs have
গ) have spotted frogs
ঘ) are spotted frogs
ক) so do I
খ) so did I
গ) so I send
ঘ) so send I

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