You'll fail in the exam,if you ___from school.

ক) Take to task
খ) put off
গ) Put out
ঘ) Play truant

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ক) To start a conversation
খ) To end the hostility
গ) To end up partnership
ঘ) to start quarreling
ক) a rule based on science.
খ) a bad rule
গ) a rule that must be obeyed
ঘ) a rule based on past experience rather than on theory
ক) proficient
খ) calm and quite
গ) familiar
ঘ) free and easy
ক) A strong point
খ) A weak point
গ) A permanent solution
ঘ) A serious idea
ক) He was dishonoured
খ) He was brought to brim
গ) He was brought to book
ঘ) He was punished
ক) very uncertain
খ) very likely
গ) almost impossible
ঘ) not possible at all

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