He has only a few books .(Negative)

ক) He does not but a few books .
খ) He is nothing through a few books .
গ) He has nothing but a few books .
ঘ) He does not possess a few books .

Related Questions

ক) A child likes none but sweets
খ) A child likes nothing but sweets
গ) A child likes but sweets
ঘ) A child likes not more sweets
ক) One student as absent
খ) One student was always absent
গ) Only the student was absent
ঘ) Only one student was always absent
ক) Only Rina cannot do this sum.
খ) Rina cannot do this sum.
গ) None but Rina can do this sum.
ঘ) Any one but Rina can do this sum.
ক) Imperative
খ) Negative
গ) Optative
ঘ) Assertive
ক) fragment
খ) thought
গ) predicate
ঘ) paragraph
ক) group of word
খ) collection of words
গ) group of word that make a complete sense
ঘ) part of pragraph

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