Would you please tell us ---

ক) when the next bus comes
খ) when comes the next bus
গ) when does the next bus come
ঘ) when the next bus does come

Related Questions

ক) you have
খ) did you have
গ) have you
ঘ) you had
ক) I know what does he want ?
খ) I know what does he wants ?
গ) I know what does he want ?
ঘ) I know what he wants.
ক) Do you khow where he lives?
খ) Do you khow where does he lives?
গ) Do you khow where does lives?
ঘ) Do you khow does he lives where?
ক) Why you have done this ?
খ) Why did you have done this ?
গ) Why have you done this ?
ঘ) Why you had done this ?
ক) doesn't it
খ) shall we
গ) will you
ঘ) don't we
ক) doesn't it
খ) does it
গ) isn't it
ঘ) is it

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