What time ----?

ক) the train leaves
খ) leaves the train
গ) is the train leaving
ঘ) does the train leave

Related Questions

ক) how many money you owe me
খ) you owe me how much money
গ) you owe me how many money
ঘ) how much money you owe me
ক) does the train leave
খ) the train leaves
গ) leaves the train
ঘ) the train will have left
ক) Were we going
খ) Are we going
গ) We are going
ঘ) We were going
ক) Who do the book belongs to?
খ) Who belongs to the book?
গ) Who does the book belong to ?
ঘ) To whom does the book belong to?
ক) does Mr. Ali live
খ) Mr. Ali does live
গ) Mr. Ali lives
ঘ) lives Mr. Ali
ক) you talked
খ) talked you
গ) did you talk
ঘ) did you talked

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