The word ‘teetotaler’ means-

ক) Person who abstains completely from alcoholic liquor
খ) Person who obsessive to alcoholic liquor
গ) Person who hates alcoholic person
ঘ) Person who didn’t like but habituated to drink somehow

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ক) curator
খ) cartographer
গ) surveyor
ঘ) calligrapher
ক) contemporary
খ) superior
গ) successor
ঘ) predecessor
ক) Hatred
খ) Misanthrope
গ) Enemy
ঘ) None of these
ক) one who flirts with ladies
খ) a hater of mankind
গ) a person of narrow niews
ঘ) one who believes that God is in everything
ক) a person of charity
খ) a person of wide views
গ) an expert
ঘ) a man of wisdom
ক) patroit
খ) revolutionary
গ) soldier
ঘ) martyr

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