নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?

ক) A big number of money.
খ) I met two women here.
গ) Put your sign here.
ঘ) I have paid my schooling fees.

Related Questions

ক) Sohel is taller than I
খ) Sohel is taller than me
গ) I did not think it was her
ঘ) She is out of her danger
ক) Panna is only present
খ) The man was born in 1968
গ) I feel myself hungry
ঘ) The sheeps are quite healthy
ক) I have read a poetry
খ) I have read a piece of poetry
গ) I saw his pulse
ঘ) The man took his birth in 1968
ক) Fire and water do not agree.
খ) I do not take fruits.
গ) I have no appetite in food
ঘ) He gave me some good advices.
ক) It has been raining for three days.
খ) He got the work by doing.
গ) You are an hercules.
ঘ) It is raining for three days.
ক) It has been raining for two days.
খ) He is senior than you.
গ) Do you know who am I.
ঘ) Airport is busy place.

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