কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?

ক) I feel hungry
খ) I feel myself hungry
গ) I am a man of words
ঘ) The sheeps are quite healthy

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ক) Credit this amount against his name
খ) Every girls is at her desk
গ) We made a fun of it
ঘ) A little number of boys were present
ক) Scarcely had we started than it began to rain
খ) scarcely had we started when it began to rain
গ) Scarcely had we started but it started to rain
ঘ) Scarcely had we but it began to rain
ক) His brother is sick
খ) I took my meal
গ) Do not throw the milk
ঘ) He took offence at my words
ক) No pains were spared
খ) Do not make noise
গ) He caught my hand
ঘ) We shall walk on foot
ক) While he was walking in the garden , a snake bit him.
খ) It rained for three days.
গ) Grammar is better servant than master
ঘ) He is my elder teacher.
ক) There is no place for doubt
খ) I went to my house
গ) All passengers must show their ticket
ঘ) He called me a coward

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