Which of the following is correct?

ক) Twenty miles is a long distance
খ) Twenty miles are a long distance
গ) Twenty mile is a long distance
ঘ) Twenty mile are a ling distance

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ক) Close to nature
খ) Soft hearted
গ) Thrown to the ground
ঘ) Realistic
ক) Every
খ) Datum
গ) Agenda
ঘ) Each
ক) He is teaching a good lesson by us
খ) He is being taught a good lesson by us
গ) He has been taught a good lesson by us
ঘ) He is taught a good lesson by us
ক) Adulteration
খ) Addulteration
গ) Adultration
ঘ) Addultration
ক) Incurable
খ) Hardened
গ) Incorrigible
ঘ) Invulnerable
ক) He agreed at my proposal
খ) He agreed for my proposal
গ) He agreed to my proposal
ঘ) He agreed with my proposal

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