Which of the following greetings is informal?

ক) How are you
খ) Hows it going
গ) How have you been
ঘ) What's up

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ক) diamond jabilee
খ) golden jubilee
গ) platinum jubliee
ঘ) silver jubliee
ক) worm compliment
খ) complements
গ) best compliment
ঘ) heartiest compliment
ক) apologise
খ) draw attention
গ) beg pardon
ঘ) express disgust
ক) an inquiry about somebody's health
খ) merely a formal greeting
গ) a formal question when one meets one's friend
ঘ) used to know the profession of a person
ক) Good evening
খ) Good night
গ) Good afternoon
ঘ) Good bye
ক) It is six to ten
খ) It is six minutes to ten
গ) It is ten minutes to six
ঘ) It is six hours to ten minutes

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