What is an epic?

ক) A long poem
খ) A long prose composition
গ) A romance
ঘ) A novel

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ক) Alliterative
খ) Sonnet form
গ) Iambic pentameter
ঘ) Daetylic Haxameter
ক) A form of light verse
খ) A form of one - act play
গ) A kind of short narrative poem
ঘ) A kind of love poem
ক) Quartet
খ) Limerick
গ) Sixtet
ঘ) Haiku
ক) in the beginning
খ) at the end
গ) at the height
ঘ) in the confrontation
ক) The comical end of dramatic events
খ) The tragic end of dramatic evets
গ) The comic and tragic end of the play
ঘ) None of the above
ক) দিল্লী
খ) ইসলামাবাদ
গ) কাঠমান্ডু
ঘ) ঢাকা

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