Paradise Lost' attempted to-

ক) Justify the ways of man to God
খ) Justify the ways of God to man
গ) Show that the Satan and God have equal power
ঘ) Explain why good and evil are necessary

Related Questions

ক) William Shakespeare
খ) John Dryden
গ) John Donne
ঘ) John Milton
ক) G.B. Shaw
খ) Thomas Hardy
গ) Ernest hemingway
ঘ) Charles Dickens
ক) a history by Vincent Smith
খ) a verse by Coleridge
গ) a drama by Oscar Wilde
ঘ) a short story by Somerst Maugham
ক) Mahatma Gandhi
খ) J. L. Nehru
গ) Abul Kalam Azad
ঘ) Moulana Akram Khan
ক) Alexander pope
খ) Jonathan Swift
গ) William Wordsworth
ঘ) G.B. Shaw
ক) Charles Dickens
খ) William Shakespeare
গ) Somerset Maugham
ঘ) O' Henry

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