Where do the following lines occur in? “Alone alone, all, all alone, Alone on a wide, wide sea”...

ক) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
খ) Kubla Khan
গ) The Nightingle
ঘ) The Dungeon

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ক) P.B.Shelley
খ) Shakespeare
গ) Jonn Keats
ঘ) Robert Frost
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খ) Tennyson
গ) Coleridge
ঘ) Shelley
ক) Disraeli
খ) Emerson
গ) Gladstone
ঘ) Shakespeare
ক) Queen Elizabeth
খ) Indira Gandhi
গ) Mother Teresa
ঘ) Robert Browning
ক) Shakespeare
খ) Bacon
গ) Fielding
ঘ) Jane Austen
ক) John Keats
খ) William Shakespeare
গ) Bacon
ঘ) Milton

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