Blue chips are ----

ক) Securities issued by the Government
খ) Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
গ) Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
ঘ) None of these

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ক) To save oneself
খ) To keep calm
গ) To be self-respectful
ঘ) None of these
ক) Asesment
খ) Asessment
গ) Assesment
ঘ) Assessment
ক) Conqueror
খ) Conquerer
গ) Conquaror
ঘ) Conqarer
ক) The problem is solved by you
খ) You are solved with the problem
গ) Let the problem be solved by you
ঘ) Let you solve the problem
ক) We were pleased by the boy
খ) We were pleased with the boy
গ) We were pleased to the boy
ঘ) We were pleased at the boy
ক) Pronoun
খ) Preposition
গ) Adjective
ঘ) Adverb

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