সে আমাকে তার কাজ করতে বাধ্য করল ' Correct Translation is -

ক) He made me work for him
খ) He make me to work for him
গ) He has made to work for him
ঘ) He had made mede work for him

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ক) He was absorbed in thought
খ) He went deep to the mind
গ) He was lost of thought
ঘ) He was lost in thought
ক) lok
খ) took
গ) face
ঘ) none
ক) যার অনেক বন্ধু ছিল
খ) যার অনেক আত্মীয় ছিল
গ) যিনি অনেক পরিচিত ছিলেন
ঘ) যার অনেক পরিচিত লোকজন ছিল
ক) i own the book, you own the note
খ) The book is own by me, the note is yours.
গ) The book is belongs to me, note belongs to you
ঘ) the book belongs to me, the note is yours
ক) We laugh and did nothing
খ) We could but not laugh
গ) We could not but laugh
ঘ) We could not laugh but do
ক) I am suffering from fever today
খ) I have fever today
গ) I feel feverish today
ঘ) I feel fever today xcza

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