What is the correct translation of লোকটির কান পাতলা?

ক) The man`s ear is light
খ) The man cannot maintain secrecy
গ) The man connot conceal anything
ঘ) The man is credulous

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ক) If you come, I go.
খ) If you will come, I will go
গ) If you come, I will go
ঘ) If you came, I would go
ক) The water is simmering in the kettle .
খ) The water is boiling in the kettle .
গ) The water is rising high in the kettle .
ঘ) The kettle is over flowing.
ক) He talks after knowing everything
খ) He talks like he knows everything
গ) He talks knowing everything
ঘ) He talks as if he knew everything
ক) Call a doctor
খ) Call for doctor
গ) Call in a doctor
ঘ) Call to doctor
ক) If I would have the wings of a bird !
খ) Had I the wings of a bird !
গ) I wish that I would have the wings of a bird !
ঘ) If I could fly like a bird!
ক) মানুষ মরণশীল।
খ) মানবজাতি প্রতিহিংসাপ্রবণ।
গ) মানুষ মাত্রই ভুল করে।
ঘ) কোনটিই নয়

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