Fifty miles ------ a long distance.

ক) Are
খ) Is
গ) Had
ঘ) Were

Related Questions

ক) The lion roared and said to the mouse why he wakes him up
খ) The lion said to the mouse why it got him up
গ) The lion questioned the mouse about its waking up
ঘ) The lion roared and asked the mouse how it dared to wake him up
ক) Cancel
খ) Perform
গ) Create
ঘ) Generate
ক) Lavish
খ) Polite
গ) Economical
ঘ) Excited
ক) Passive voice
খ) Active voice
গ) Both
ঘ) None
ক) I surprised at his behaviour
খ) I was surprised witb his behaviour
গ) I had been surprised at his behaviour
ঘ) I was surprised at his behaviour
ক) In
খ) On
গ) To
ঘ) By

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