We mean business -- বাক্যটির যথার্থ অনুবাদ --

ক) আমরা ব্যবসা বুঝি
খ) আমরা ব্যবসা বুঝিয়ে থাকি
গ) আমরা আসলেই কাজ করি
ঘ) আমরা কাজ নিয়ে থাকি

Related Questions

ক) He has not friends here at all.
খ) He has few friends here.
গ) He has a few friends here.
ঘ) He has little number of friends.
ক) distance : reduce
খ) stretch : extend
গ) draw out : shorten
ঘ) reach out : cut short
ক) Straighten : Bend
খ) Deform : Reform
গ) Harmonize : Balance
ঘ) Observe : Blur
ক) does the train leave
খ) the train leaves
গ) leaves the train
ঘ) the train will have left
ক) doesn't it
খ) does it
গ) isn't it
ঘ) is it
ক) He confessed when he became guilty .
খ) He confessed that he was guilty .
গ) He confessed because he was guilty .
ঘ) He confessed though he was not guilty .

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