Which of the following is a correct sentence?

ক) He was too clever not to miss the point.
খ) He was so clever to miss the point.
গ) He is too clever to miss the point.
ঘ) he was too clever to grasp the point.

Related Questions

ক) There is no place in the bench
খ) I go two bread
গ) It is a nice poem
ঘ) I went to my house
ক) you have
খ) did you have
গ) have you
ঘ) you had
ক) will she?
খ) will not she?
গ) would she?
ঘ) would'n't she?
ক) He gave me a dress expensive.
খ) He gave me a dress and it was expensive.
গ) He gave me a expensive dress.
ঘ) He gave me an expensive dress.
ক) He is unfortunately failed .
খ) It is unforunately that he failed.
গ) He is failded unfortunately.
ঘ) It is unfortunate that he failed.
ক) The man is too weak to walk.
খ) The man is so weak to walk.
গ) The man is too weak for him to walk.
ঘ) The man is so weak for him to walk.

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