The day of my sister's marriage is drawing "near" The koteson word is a/an

ক) adjective
খ) verd
গ) preposition
ঘ) adverd

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খ) My father said that he would have had a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
গ) My father said that he would have a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
ঘ) My father said that he had a cup of tea because he wasn't hungry.
ক) to play
খ) playing
গ) play
ঘ) of playing
ক) a very lot of
খ) very many of
গ) very much of
ঘ) a lot of
ক) A Jew
খ) A Roman
গ) A Turk
ঘ) A Moor
ক) Charles Dickens
খ) Hermanne Melville
গ) Earnest Hemingway
ঘ) Thomas Hardy
ক) The Augustan Age
খ) The Victorian Age
গ) The Georgian Age
ঘ) The Restoration Age

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