নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?

ক) I felt his pulse
খ) I found his pulse
গ) I examined his pulse
ঘ) I saw his pulse

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ক) The matter was informed in the police
খ) The matter had been informed of the police
গ) The police were informed of the matter
ঘ) The police was informed of the matter
ক) She had faith and hopes for the future
খ) She had faith in and hopes for the future
গ) She had faith and hopes in the futrue
ঘ) She had faith and hope in future
ক) Pneumonia
খ) Dyspepsia
গ) Diarrhoea
ঘ) Chalera
ক) accelerate
খ) accilerate
গ) accelerrate
ঘ) accilarate
ক) to save oneself
খ) to be self-respectful
গ) to keep calm
ঘ) None of these
ক) late speech
খ) early speech
গ) last speech
ঘ) first speech

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