A train takes 20 seconds to cross a pole. It takes 50 seconds to cross the platform. What is the ratio of the length of the platform to that of the train?

ক) 0.085416666666667
খ) 0.086805555555556
গ) 0.20972222222222
ঘ) 0.12638888888889

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ক) it was good walking with nails in the boots
খ) it was sheer joy to walk in the forest
গ) the path was unaffected by the frost
ঘ) the walks were invigorating
ক) wearing nailed boots
খ) walking on frost with nailed boots on
গ) walking occasionally through the forest
ঘ) the good long walk on the road
ক) we had nailed boots on
খ) it was good walking on the road
গ) the walk was refreshing
ঘ) the nails bit on the frozen roads

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