There is no doubt-- we will win.

ক) Whether
খ) What
গ) if
ঘ) that

Related Questions

ক) too follish to
খ) too intelligent to
গ) too rash to
ঘ) too wise to
ক) Very few boys in the class are as good as Belal
খ) Belal is a good boy in the class
গ) Belal is better than any other boy in the class
ঘ) Belal is better than any other boys in the class
ক) Cancel
খ) Perform
গ) Create
ঘ) Generate
ক) Fragile
খ) Soft
গ) Strong
ঘ) Hard
ক) Nefarious
খ) Neutral
গ) Nepotism
ঘ) Depressed
ক) Populous
খ) Isolated
গ) Abandoned
ঘ) Disfigured

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