Is it important that James----read the letter before I send it?

ক) can
খ) may
গ) should
ঘ) will

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ক) so is water
খ) water is so
গ) so water is
ঘ) water so
ক) It begins
খ) does it begin
গ) and begin
ঘ) beginning
ক) Repeat it again
খ) Repeat it
গ) Repeats it again
ঘ) Repeat it against
ক) I would go to the station
খ) I would have gone to the Station
গ) I had gone to the station
ঘ) I would be going to the station
ক) Would have
খ) Could be
গ) Must be
ঘ) Would have been
ক) gets
খ) is getting
গ) will get
ঘ) would get

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