It is man who is the maker of his own fortune .(Simple)

ক) Man is the maker of his own fortune .
খ) Man make his own fortune .
গ) Men and the makers of his own fortune .
ঘ) Men make his own fortune .

Related Questions

ক) He confessed when he became guilty .
খ) He confessed that he was guilty .
গ) He confessed because he was guilty .
ঘ) He confessed though he was not guilty .
ক) main clause
খ) adjectival clause
গ) adverbial clause
ঘ) noun clause
ক) Adjective phrase
খ) Adverbial phrase
গ) Conjuctional phrase
ঘ) Interjection phrase
ক) for a certain period
খ) for an uncertain period
গ) for a short time
ঘ) None of the above
ক) What is friendship but a name?
খ) Is friendship anything but a name?
গ) What is nothing but a name?
ঘ) Why is friendship a name?
ক) Hearing the good news , I was happy
খ) Hearing the good news, happines was mine
গ) Hearing good news, happy I was
ঘ) Hearing the good news, mine was happiness

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