The best passive form of the sentence: 'We don't like idle people' ---
ক) We are not liked by idle people.
খ) Idle people are not like us.
গ) Idle people are not liked by us.
ঘ) Idle people are not of our liking.
Related Questions
ক) That shirt which he bought is blue in colour.
খ) The shirt that which he bought is blue in colour.
গ) Which shirt he bought is blue in colour.
ঘ) The shirt which he bought is blue in colour.
ক) I forbade him from going
খ) I forbade him to go
গ) I forbade him going
ঘ) I forbade him not to go
ক) sarcastic --- unfair
খ) metaphorical --- implied
গ) sanguine --- inherent
ঘ) blatant --- overt
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