The word 'precedence' means-

ক) Example
খ) Priority
গ) Elderly
ঘ) Case

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ক) Flatterer
খ) Phony
গ) Dishonour
ঘ) Dignified person
ক) Foggy
খ) Vague
গ) Sunny
ঘ) Misty
ক) Considerate
খ) Cunning
গ) Sincere
ঘ) Wise
ক) I have had the news
খ) I have the news
গ) I shall have the news
ঘ) I had the news
ক) The tree has been uprooted
খ) The door should be kept closed
গ) I have lost my watch
ঘ) My suggestion was not accepted
ক) Let a flower be plucked me.
খ) Let a flower be plucked for me.
গ) Let a flower plucked for me.
ঘ) Let a flower be plucked by me.

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