নিচের কোন বাক্যটি শুদ্ধ?
ক) There is no place in the bench
খ) I go two bread
গ) It is a nice poem
ঘ) I went to my house
Related Questions
ক) Were we going
খ) Are we going
গ) We are going
ঘ) We were going
ক) Without your help what can he do.
খ) Unless you help him he can do nothing.
গ) He can do nothing without your help.
ঘ) He can do anything unless you help him.
ক) I saw him and he was going to market
খ) I saw him who was going to market
গ) I saw him and he has to go to market
ঘ) He goes to market which I saw
ক) He gave me a dress expensive.
খ) He gave me a dress and it was expensive.
গ) He gave me a expensive dress.
ঘ) He gave me an expensive dress.
ক) A noun clause
খ) An adverbial clause
গ) An adjective clause
ঘ) None of the three
জব সলুশন