সেই কনকলে শীতে আমি কাঁপতে লাগলাম- Which one is the right translation?

ক) I began to tremble in that biting cold.
খ) I began trembling in that biting cold.
গ) I was trembling in that terrible cold.
ঘ) The trembling of me began in that biting cold.

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ক) It is easy to Find Fault with others
খ) It is easy to Find out Faults of others
গ) It is easy to Find Fault of others
ঘ) It is easy to Find out Fault of others
ক) সে তোমার জন্য এটি করতে পারবে
খ) সে তোমাকে দিয়ে এটি করাতে পারবে
গ) সে ও তুমি এটি করতে পাবে
ঘ) সে তোমার জন্য এটি করতে পাবে
ক) Sweet are the uses of adversity
খ) Sweet is the uses of adversity
গ) Sweet uses of adversity
ঘ) Sweet do not use the adversity
ক) The child comes to me run
খ) The child came to me running
গ) The child came to me crying
ঘ) The child came to me to cry
ক) vague idea
খ) in offensive expression
গ) a sonnet
ঘ) wise saying
ক) W. Wordsworth
খ) S. T. Coleridge
গ) P. B. Shelley
ঘ) A. C. Swinbume

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