De facto means-

ক) de jure
খ) two friends
গ) in fact
ঘ) surely

Related Questions

ক) He gave me a dress expensive.
খ) He gave me a dress and it was expensive.
গ) He gave me a expensive dress.
ঘ) He gave me an expensive dress.
ক) why did he leave?
খ) why he left.
গ) why have he left.
ঘ) why did he left.
ক) I feel unwell.
খ) I took a bath.
গ) I am somewhat sure.
ঘ) I sold my furnitures.
ক) Sweet are the uses of adversity
খ) Sweet is the uses of adversity
গ) Sweet uses of adversity
ঘ) Sweet do not use the adversity
ক) Alexander pope
খ) Jonathan Swift
গ) William Wordsworth
ঘ) G.B. Shaw
ক) Charles Dickens
খ) William Shakespeare
গ) Somerset Maugham
ঘ) O' Henry

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