Trying unitedly we were able to have our project approved against strong oppositions. -Which of the following says nearly the same as 'against' above?

ক) in the wake of
খ) in the guise of
গ) in the plea of
ঘ) in the teeth of

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ক) a poem by Wordsworth
খ) a short story by Somerst Maugham
গ) a novel by D. H. Lawrence
ঘ) a verse by Coleridge
ক) controlled prices
খ) economic slow down
গ) a disintegrating goverment
ঘ) Cultural dullness
ক) you realized
খ) that you realize
গ) you would realize
ঘ) you have realized
ক) Ireland
খ) England
গ) Wales
ঘ) USA
ক) দুঃ + লোক
খ) দিব্‌ + লোক
গ) দ্বি + লোক
ঘ) দ্বিঃ + লোক

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